Rebuild walls of Uganda

HOLLYWOOD PRAYER TOWER House of Prayer for all Nations  Isaiah 56:7-8  International Intercessor Minister         email;                                     Prophetess Irene Taylor   Tel:  3233327659 1855prayer4


The call, the yearn, to Rebuild walls of Uganda. Rebuilding the walls of Uganda, and securing the borders of our Country.  Uganda is going through a triumph situation; therefore, we are calling upon everyone in this Nation of Uganda,  All governmental officials, traditional leaders, Police departments, District Leaders, Local Councils, Healthy Departments, education sectors, and all other institutions in the effort to rebuild the walls of Uganda, and to secure it is borders.

in April 2008 The Holy Spirit told me to start praying for this country, from that month in our small gathering every Friday night at Victory Christian Center Ndeeba, we started Interceding for Uganda and to secure its borders.

After a long time of prayer in 2008-2009, I introduced the vision to my Pastor, but I had no response, except my prayer partners told me that we are going to start going to all the Districts that we were praying for every Friday night.

In my mind, I thought that because I was the Vision bearer, I will be informed of what was going on. Therefore, I asked the Holy Spirit what to do with the vision of prayer that God had given to me; he gave me directions and instructions how to go in the districts, sub-counties, and to secure the borders to pray for the nation. The people outside the church need more prayer than the individuals in the church. Therefore, I had to find Pastors to get help, but I found very limited support; nevertheless I had some help praise the Lord.

is fallen?     Our society is torn  down, HIV Aids kills people like insects, cancer, poverty, insecurity, ignorance, corruption, cheating, killings, lies,  Jealousy, cutting off people heads, Homosexuality,  and sacrificing our Children,  all over the World we about wars, yet the power is in the word of God and the word it is in our mouth.

Programmed idea Our program follows the Nehemiah’s way of rebuilding the walls of  Jerusalem. Nehemiah saw what was going on in Jerusalem and the God told him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

“ Nehemiah saw this and cried to God, he confessed the sins of Jerusalem.  We are going to cry out to God to forgive our sins, and restore our nation, through Prayer and repentance.

The Holy Spirit is saying, “he is going to rebuild the walls of Uganda and secure the land while protecting our country.

What is the meaning of rebuilding the walls of Uganda?

Rebuilding means to restore some thing that was destroyed in other- words, God created man in his own image {Genesis 1:26-31}. When God created man, he was good and blameless however, man sinned against God and as a result  Adam lost the spiritual life  and sold this world to the devil {Genesis 2:4-7.}        how can gain our spiritual life when we confess Jesus Christ to be our Lord and savior Romans 10:6-13

The word of God says, “therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned. Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come. {Romans 5:12, 14} 

We are going to pray and call upon God to forgive us. There are too many instabilities in  and out side the Church However, if we call upon the God of heaven and repent for the sins of Uganda, He will forgive our Country.

In the old testament, Moses, Aaron and Samuel were  among those who  called upon   the LORD and he answered them. Therefore God will answer us if we pray.  {Psalms 99:6-8}

I didn’t know that having a Church in Uganda it was like having a business, but I learned.

Now I know that when you have a Church you have a business, even though that is not what the word of God says. But in our society, that is what we are doing. God have mercy on us to merchandise his name and his work in this world.

When the big men got the vision, they didn’t consider about how many days I spent praying they made the vision their own. Which it was okay with me the money people did not recognize my effort, they just kicked my behind and ran with it and said to hell with that stupid woman she doesn’t know what she is doing.

But they took the vision and ran with it but did not care about what exactly God wanted to do with the vision. The Lord gave me specific instructions and directions how to do His work, but people thought it was another way of getting money which was not true. At this present time, the whole country is running on that vision.
Many people don’t know what went on, but all things work together for good for those who are in Christ. Though they behaved as if I was not in the existence, I was kicked off in everything I was never in the picture to God be the glory!!!


The Holy Spirit is rebuilding the walls of Uganda through prayers and intervention. He is securing the borders of our nation. Unlike Nehemiah, Uganda is our Jerusalem today. As the Holy Spirit told Nehemiah to pray for Israel and defend its walls, He is calling upon everyone who thinks they love their nation or nations, to join one another to fulfill the will of God.

Since many of us want to have big money, and fame. The vision is not for sell; he will also water it, and the seed will grow, the Holy Spirit will bring people to help me. Individuals who have the servant’s heart those who know about the commandment of God our Lord. All I have is the place where I worship every Sunday.
I know one thing, this vision will come to pass into this country as the Lord lives it will not die within me in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We have to walk like Jesus if we have to walk like Him we have to be like him he did not do anything in compromise and without the agreement with the Holy Spirit.
It is critical we the body of Christ to remain in Unity and agreement. As there are three who testifies for the things of God, we also have to be in agreement. The one who came by water and blood Jesus Christ.
He did not come by water only but by the water and blood. And the Spirit, who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. 1John 5:6-7 {6-8}.”
And now these three remain faith, hope and love, {I Corinthians -13:8-13} but the greatest of these is love, if we are in Christ Jesus as the word says. “God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us, for in him we live move and have our being.” {Acts 17:26-28}
The Bible says “Dear friends let us love one another for love comes from God Everyone who loves has been born of God, whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.”{ 1 John 4:7-16 }
Rebuilding the Walls of Uganda Nehemiah 2:17-18
“Then I said to them you see the trouble we are in how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come; let us build the walls of Jerusalem, (Uganda) that we may no longer suffer ridicule.” The hand of God was upon him”.
The Holy Spirit is calling people to rebuild the walls of our country, countries, and all the nations around the World.
Rebuilding our communities, through prayer and petition, and teaching the communities how to pray secure their communities and assets.
Instead of killing one another, because of poverty and lack of understanding, I don’t blame them, it is because of luck, and ignorance that we do what we are doing in our societies, but there is hope that is through prayer and fasting for the land.

Teaching the culture of moral behaviors God will restore our nation and rebuilt it again! As it was before our generation, God created Uganda in a different way; it is different from all the countries around the World. God knew Uganda before creation. His hand was upon Uganda, and He loves us. How are we going to rebuild the walls of Uganda that

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